About Us

Welcome to BQSL, where we're not just an awarding body, but a catalyst for inspiring learning experiences and employability.



Here’s a little about us in five questions(and answers)…


BQSL? What does that stand for?

British Qualifications in Skills and Leadership develops and awards qualifications for delivery in colleges and other types of education provider on a global level. This is commonly referred to as an awarding body (or awarding organisation). We were founded in 2021 and are launching our first five qualifications for delivery in 2024. You can read about those five qualifications on this website.


Why has it taken you so long to go from creation to launch?

Well, forming an awarding body is no small task, and we’ve had various regulatory and developmental processes to go through. The fact it’s been two and a bit years in development should give you confidence it’s been done well.  


How are you different to other awarding bodies?

Our overarching objective is to develop qualifications that give prospective learners every opportunity to secure the career progression they desire. 

We know what you’re thinking, wouldn’t all awarding bodies say that? Maybe, but for us it’s fundamentally about two things:  

1. Ensuring the curriculum our learners study aligns with the job roles they aspire for.
2. Enabling the education providers delivering that curriculum to create inspirational learning experiences using the very best learning content and materials. You can read about how we aim to achieve both of those across our website.


Who are you, we can’t see any names or photos?

We’re working on that and will update this shortly. What we can say is we’re a core team of five and our management team is firmly rooted in education, with a proven track record in delivering inspirational learning experiences. You can have confidence in us to deliver for you as an education provider or a potential learner.


Who holds you to account?

We have a Board of Directors who collectively ensure that we do the right things, in the right way, and for the right reasons. Their profiles will be published shortly too, and they have significant commercial experience across business and charities and are of high professional standing.

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